First Inaugural Data Mishaps Night — Little Miss Data
First Inaugural Data Mishaps Night

First Inaugural Data Mishaps Night

Welcome to #FunDataFriday for Data Mishaps Night

A 3 minute read about a cool data resource.

Today’s #FunDataFriday article is about the event Data Mishaps Night that myself and Caitlin Hudon are running!

Art by Paul Hammond

What Is It?

Have you ever made a truly spectacular data mistake? Incorrect assumptions that you should've seen coming? Patching the wrong data with... MORE WRONG DATA??!!

Don't worry, we've been there too. To learn from each others experiences and have a little laugh, Caitlin Hudon and I have decided to curate a community night around sharing data mishaps.

The event will take place on Friday, Feb 5th at 7pm CST.


Why Is It Awesome?

We are hoping to find a group of like minded data nerds that want to spend their Friday night dishing on data. The event will feature a lineup of data mistake stories with a focus on the human aspect of data work and lessons learned the hard way.

How to Get Started?

Join us by register here:

Apply to be a speaker: We are still looking for more great stories, so if you’re on the fence about applying, PLEASE DO! We'd love to hear about projects you've bungled, data roads not taken, missing commas that killed pipelines, and all the rest.

— Written by Laura Ellis (AKA Little Miss Data)

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