Wishing all of my fellow data geeks a very happy holiday season. Celebrating by creating Holiday e-Card themed R graphs.
All in 2019
Wishing all of my fellow data geeks a very happy holiday season. Celebrating by creating Holiday e-Card themed R graphs.
Market Cafe Mag is a beautiful and thought provoking magazine which showcases beautifully crafted data visualizations and information storytelling.
ATX GIS day is being held in Austin, TX on Nov 13 to celebrate the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data!
The gtrendsR package is an R package that can be used to programmatically gather and display Google trend information.
Grace Hopper conference is a perfect place for data geekettes to unite!
Which season of the bachelor really was the most dramatic ever? Analyze the relative popularity of the bachelor franchise seasons as measured by their google search traffic using R, gtrendsR, ggplot2, ggimage and gganimate!
A podcast that opens up your mind up to a wide range of impactful data visualization techniques and considerations!
The magick package allows us to super easily work with images and animations in R!
Caitlin Hudon’s blog shows us some needed SQL Truths and teaches us how to get started creating a query library.
Learn how to create an icon map in R with ggmap and ggimage!
Check out RAWGraphs! It is a data viz tool that facilitates the creation of sophisticated graphing techniques without the code.
Check out the Data.gov website to discover a treasure trove of datasets made publicly available by the governments.
Check out the “From Data to Viz” website to learn more about common graph types, their use, caveats and how to create them.
This post shows how to hack a DB2 SSL connection in DBeaver
Tips and tricks to creating easy to follow technical tutorials.
A tutorial showing how to highlight a subset of your data in R within the context of the full data set. We review the old school way (ggplot layering) and new school way (gghighlight).
A tutorial to explore the differences between two practices used for set analysis: Venn diagrams and UpSet plots. Tutorial coded in R but similar concepts and packages are available in many tool sets.
A tutorial showing how to create interactive ggplot2 graphs in R with the ploty package.
Create your own 3D Lego masterpieces in R using custom functions and the rayshader package.
Aiming to ease your RStudio::Conf FOMO by sharing as much R and conference information as possible. The goal is to help everyone feel included, ready to level up their R skills and engage with the community!