Women in Analytics: Call for Speakers — Little Miss Data
Women in Analytics: Call for Speakers

Women in Analytics: Call for Speakers

Welcome to #FunDataFriday for Women in Analytics

A 3 minute read about a cool data resource.

Today’s #FunDataFriday article is about the Women in Analytics conference and specifically their call for speakers for the WIA 2022 conference.

Tiffany and I backstage before we delivered our talk on Citizen Data Scientists.

Tiffany and I backstage before we delivered our talk on Citizen Data Scientists.

What is it?

The Women in Analytics Conference has just put out their 2022 call for speakers.

The Woman in Analytics Conference is a truly special event that brings women together from a wide range of analytical backgrounds. The event offers speaking sessions, poster sessions, an expo hall and a career fair. Additionally, they provide a number of different networking options suited to people’s interests and comfort level. I attended the conference last year and was able to meet amazing women both informally through fun events and coffee chatter and formally through pre-arranged coaching or mentoring sessions!


Why is it Awesome?

Tiffany and I on stage before the event!

Tiffany and I on stage before the event!

It’s an awesome event because the atmosphere is vibrant, engaging and welcoming! I will definitely be attending the event in 2022.

In 2021, Tiffany Cross and I were fortunate enough to speak on the subject of "Data Democratization: Enabling Citizen Data Scientists" and the speaker experience is first class! The conference organizers created a supportive and engaging end to end speaker environment to let speakers know that they are valued and appreciated.

The WIA conference provided pre-event professional speaker and content coaching in a group setting. I learned a lot during the coaching sessions that I will use in other speaking engagements. The coaches provided valuable feedback which we incorporated into our presentation. Because the coaching was in a group setting, we met other speakers before the conference and had immediate friends upon arrival. Before conference kick-off they hosted an intimate speaker mixer. It was a great opportunity to get to know even more inspiring women before the event. During the event they offered a speaker lounge with snacks to relax, take calls, chat etc. I share all of this because participating as a speaker at this event was an excellent experience for me and I’d like to see other women have the opportunity.

Tiffany and I delivering our talk on Citizen Data Scientists.

Tiffany and I delivering our talk on Citizen Data Scientists.

How to get Started?

If you are interested in speaking, please apply! The call for speakers is here.

See y’all at the conference in 2022!

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