Data Mishaps Night is a night where we embrace the messiness of data work. Whether you're a seasoned data practitioner or just starting out, there's something for everyone.
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Data Mishaps Night is a night where we embrace the messiness of data work. Whether you're a seasoned data practitioner or just starting out, there's something for everyone.
A brief review of the book “Prediction Machines” by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans and Avi Goldfarb
A brief review of the boo…
Quickly and easily perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on your individual data set or compare datasets in R with the Inspectdf function!
A list of 10 kid-friendly datasets to explore with for your next stem data project!
Simple exploratory data analysis (EDA) using some very easy one line commands in R.
Learn how to display your pretty R tables in GitHub by hosting your .Rmd html output with GitHub pages.
I just released my first open-source package: pelotonR! The package was created to provide users with sample access to Peloton data through R. Learn more at the website:
Sharing some of my favorite data science and data foundation books for young kids!
A tutorial demonstrating how to create geographical maps in R using ggmap. Technologies include: R, Watson Studio and IBM Cloud.
A few weeks ago, my tweet on the R patchwork package went nerd viral. I analyze the tweet performance and possible impact on the patchwork package downloads. I’ll arrange the resulting graphs with patchwork!
As a bonus, I’ll show y’all how I added an image to the patchwork layout by placing it within a ggplot graph and fixing the coordinates to avoid weird scaling issues.
Which season of the bachelor really was the most dramatic ever? Analyze the relative popularity of the bachelor franchise seasons as measured by their google search traffic using R, gtrendsR, ggplot2, ggimage and gganimate!
Learn how to create an icon map in R with ggmap and ggimage!
Tips and tricks to creating easy to follow technical tutorials.
A tutorial to explore the differences between two practices used for set analysis: Venn diagrams and UpSet plots. Tutorial coded in R but similar concepts and packages are available in many tool sets.
Create your own 3D Lego masterpieces in R using custom functions and the rayshader package.
Aiming to ease your RStudio::Conf FOMO by sharing as much R and conference information as possible. The goal is to help everyone feel included, ready to level up their R skills and engage with the community!
A tutorial showing how to create free hosted dashboards using Watson Studio and IBM Cloud.
The ggmap tutorial has been updated to address the Google Static Map API service issues.
Enhance your data storytelling skills by creating beautiful R display tables with using formattable.