Sharing a new study I contributed to on the outlook for women in data, analytics, and AI, along with my thoughts on why expanding the talent pipeline is crucial for building a more inclusive future in these fields.
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Sharing a new study I contributed to on the outlook for women in data, analytics, and AI, along with my thoughts on why expanding the talent pipeline is crucial for building a more inclusive future in these fields.
Discussing why AI governance is more than just an extension of data governance and how we can use lessons learned from past data management challenges to navigate the future of AI more reasonably.
Data Mishaps Night is a night where we embrace the messiness of data work. Whether you're a seasoned data practitioner or just starting out, there's something for everyone.
Exploring the new AI term LAMs (Large Action Models). What it means and how it relates to LLMs and AI agents.
How making and sharing mistakes can supercharge your growth
Sharing my love letter to data which I penned as part of the Pythian “Love Letters to Data” series.
Read through your most complicated SQL files to learn the humans story of how your organization functions.
An overview of my Chief Data Officer certificate experience at Carnegie Mellon.
How to navigate your career when your compass feels broken
My top 10 2021 career experiences.
Discussing the book “Big Data Girl” by Fred Wordie and Santiago Taberna and how to use it to raise Big Data awareness in a classroom setting.
A list of 10 kid-friendly datasets to explore with for your next stem data project!
Why performing an early mockup of your data visualization can help increase the speed and successful adoption of your project.
Sharing some of my favorite data science and data foundation books for young kids!
A step by step approach to breaking down your business problem into a less intimidating data problem.
Tips and tricks to creating easy to follow technical tutorials.
Aiming to ease your RStudio::Conf FOMO by sharing as much R and conference information as possible. The goal is to help everyone feel included, ready to level up their R skills and engage with the community!
An overview of my experience in the NASA Datanaut kickoff session
Lower the barriers to productivity by employing a “Select your own adventure” approach to on-boarding your new analytics team members.
Data democracy has been a hot topic of late. But what does this really mean? Further, what do we actually need to DO to build a culture of data democracy?