R Studio Conf 2019 - Easing your FOMO with R Resources — Little Miss Data
R Studio Conf 2019 - Easing your FOMO with R Resources

R Studio Conf 2019 - Easing your FOMO with R Resources

Image credit: Results from the 2018 RStudio Learning R Survey, shared by Carl Howe at RStudio Conf 2019

Image credit: Results from the 2018 RStudio Learning R Survey, shared by Carl Howe at RStudio Conf 2019

Y’all if I had just one takeaway from R Studio Conference 2019, it’s that we are a friendly and tight knit community! Virtually and in person, we look out for each other.

This past week, the FOMO was real, both from those unable to attend the conference and those who came. There were so many great sessions and such excellent information floating around that it was hard to keep up.

In this blog, my focus is to share as much information as possible to help everyone feel included, ready to level up their R skills and engage with the community!


RStudio Conference Content

General R Content

Some of the books featured in the free online r books moment by Martin Skarzynski, myself, Matthew Hendrickson and others

Some of the books featured in the free online r books moment by Martin Skarzynski, myself, Matthew Hendrickson and others

  • RStudio Cheat Sheets - RStudio offers oodles and oodles of amazing cheatsheets at this link with new ones coming all the time. Visit the link, download cheatsheets for your fave packages and subscribe to get all of the new ones sent to you as they come out!

  • Tidy Tuesday Screencasts by David Robinson - Since late 2018, David Robinson has been posting screencasts of his analysis process on the #TidyTuesday datasets. These are an excellent way to learn how others approach a new dataset. They also tend to be a great introduction to new tips, tricks and packages. See more about the Tidy Tuesday program in the “Engage” section below.

  • R Packages to Check Out -  As part of my “We are R Ladies” curation week, I decided to share some of the R packages that I find the most interesting. Check out the twitter moment to see a preview of the packages and links to tutorials or documentation. Message me to add more R packages to this moment.

Sample packages included in the #FOMORPkgs twitter moment created by myself

Sample packages included in the #FOMORPkgs twitter moment created by myself

  • Curated Gifs by Nic Crane - This lovely twitter moment is a great way to browse compelling R features or packages through a series of curated R gifs. Message Nic to add a new gif to this moment.

  • Find R Content - If you are looking for a great way of searching for #rstats resources, look no further! The Rseek tool will search R issues, blogs, packages, twitter and more!

  • RWeekly.org - A weekly, free newsletter which aims to circulate information about new content and activities in the R community. If you want to stay in the loop, it’s a great thing to subscribe to.

  • R-bloggers - An always up to date website which consolidates content from over 750 R bloggers. A treasure trove of information!


RLadies at RStudio Conference 2019. Photo credit to JD Long!

RLadies at RStudio Conference 2019. Photo credit to JD Long!

  • Datanauts - The datanauts program is another excellent way to engage with other data enthusiasts in the R and python community. It is a program which enables the greater data and space enthusiast groups to engage with each other to solve interesting space problems. I had the good fortune to participate in this program in the fall of 2018 and I would highly recommend it!

More RStudio::Conf

Other RStudio::Conf blogs

The R blogosphere is already a buzz with the amazingness of the 2019 conference. I’ve already seen ten blogs up and counting. The amazing Karl Broman is also capturing all known blogs to rstudio::conf github repo where he consolidates the slides. Check them out!

Next Year

Next year the conference is in San Francisco on Jan 27-30th, 2020. The first 100 ticket purchasers will get the special price of $450, so sign up now! A hilarious side note is that when the location was announced at the end of R Studio Conf 2019, they accidentally put an image of New York! That’s when the R twitter fans started creating their own version of the twitter fail. Martin Skarzynski captured the whole thing in a twitter moment. Great work Martin!

A sample of some of the rstudio::conf 2020 location trolling screenshots captured from Martin Skarzynski’s twitter moment

A sample of some of the rstudio::conf 2020 location trolling screenshots captured from Martin Skarzynski’s twitter moment



Thanks for taking the time to read this blog post. I could go on further and on about some of the amazing sessions and packages introduced at the conference, but I already did that throughout the week on the “We Are R Ladies” twitter feed. If you want to learn more about the event, I’d suggest you look at the shared conference content listed at the top, read the other great blogs which I’ve linked to and buy your tickets for next year. Until then, keep learning and engage with the community!

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