Sharing a new study I contributed to on the outlook for women in data, analytics, and AI, along with my thoughts on why expanding the talent pipeline is crucial for building a more inclusive future in these fields.
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Sharing a new study I contributed to on the outlook for women in data, analytics, and AI, along with my thoughts on why expanding the talent pipeline is crucial for building a more inclusive future in these fields.
Data Mishaps Night is a night where we embrace the messiness of data work. Whether you're a seasoned data practitioner or just starting out, there's something for everyone.
A brief review of the book “Chart Spark” by Alli Torban
Read through your most complicated SQL files to learn the humans story of how your organization functions.
Discussing the book “Big Data Girl” by Fred Wordie and Santiago Taberna and how to use it to raise Big Data awareness in a classroom setting.
Quickly and easily perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on your individual data set or compare datasets in R with the Inspectdf function!
Why performing an early mockup of your data visualization can help increase the speed and successful adoption of your project.
Simple exploratory data analysis (EDA) using some very easy one line commands in R.
A quick tutorial showing how to use the tiktokrmd R package to display TikTok videos in .Rmd files and then serve them up on GitHub pages.
Learn how to display your pretty R tables in GitHub by hosting your .Rmd html output with GitHub pages.
I just released my first open-source package: pelotonR! The package was created to provide users with sample access to Peloton data through R. Learn more at the website:
Sharing some of my favorite data science and data foundation books for young kids!
A week full of very easy data gathering and visualization activities to do with your young kids!
I am very excited to let y’all know that my work bestie, Tiffany Cross, and I will be delivering a keynote talk at the Postgres Conference in March. The title of our talk is: “Data Democratization: Enabling Citizen Data Scientists”.
A step by step approach to breaking down your business problem into a less intimidating data problem.
This post shows how to hack a DB2 SSL connection in DBeaver
Tips and tricks to creating easy to follow technical tutorials.
A tutorial showing how to create interactive ggplot2 graphs in R with the ploty package.
The ggmap tutorial has been updated to address the Google Static Map API service issues.
The final results of the Data + Art STEAM project with Forest Hill Junior and Senior Public School in Toronto!